Study on the improvement of one-step alkyl glucoside synthesis and the impact of colloid and surface chemistry factors 一步法烷基糖苷合成工艺改进与胶体与表面化学现象研究
The curriculum mainly introduces the fundamental principle and research technique on chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, surface chemistry and colloid chemistry and so on. 本课程主要介绍化学热力学、化学动力学、电化学、表面化学、胶体等基本原理知识和研究方法。
The theories and technologies of surface and colloid chemistry, magnetism and material science have been used in the preparation and simulation experiment of Fe_3O_4 magnetic fluid. Fe3O4磁流体的制备及模拟试验,涉及表面与胶体化学、磁学、材料学等理论知识。
In this article, photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange in aqueous solution has been studied with surface Cd-rich CdS nanoparticles which were prepared by colloid chemistry process. 采用胶体化学法制备表面富镉的Cd/CdS纳米粒子为催化剂对水溶液中甲基橙的光催化降解进行了研究。
The result shows that the modern technology such as colloid chemistry is available for greatly improving the properties of the sensitive shellac bond. 结果表明,采用胶体化学等现代技术可以极大地改造虫胶感光胶的性能。
Molecular self-assembly and colloid reduction chemistry were used to fabricate gold nanoshells Au@ SiO2 with core-shell structures. 利用分子自组装和胶体还原化学制备出具有核-壳结构的金纳米壳球体Au@SiO2;
The papermaking furnish components and its flocculation, adsorption, properties of colloid chemistry and action of surface dynamic electricity are discussed systematically. 对造纸配料组分及其胶体化学特性、表面动电行为、配料组分的聚集、吸附等作了较为系统的论述。
The experimental results are analyzed based on coordinate chemistry and colloid chemistry, and it is held that the variation of the Zeta potential on the surface of CaCO_3 is favorable to scale inhibition after phosphonic acids are added. 最后,从配位化学及胶体化学的角度对实验结果进行了分析,认为加防垢剂后Zeta电位的变化对防垢作用有利。
According to the principle of surface and colloid chemistry, the pore structure and characteristics of tight sand gas reservoir are analyzed. 根据表面与胶体化学原理,分析了低渗致密砂岩气藏的孔隙结构特征、物性特征以及它们之间的关系。
Effect of Adding Inorganic Salt Compounds on Colloid Chemistry Characteristic and Deinking Efficiency of MOW 添加无机盐化合物对MOW脱墨体系胶体特性及脱墨浆质量的影响
New Tools Employed for Investigating Colloid and Interfacial Chemistry: Second Order Nonlinear Optical Techniques 胶体与界面化学研究的新工具&二阶非线性光学技术
Quantitative relationship between pore structure and physical property characteristic of low-permeability sandstone gas reservoir is studied on the bases of capillary bundle model, fractal geometry, surface and colloid chemistry and gas molecule motion theory. 根据毛细管束模型,在分形几何、表面与胶体化学和气体分子运动论的基础上研究了低渗砂岩气藏的孔隙结构与物性特征之间的定量关系。
The results of the experiment indicated that adding some metallic cations to the OMG deinking dispersing system and change the system's colloid chemistry behaviors will help to remove the ink particles from the pulp and improve the DIP's quality ultimately. 实验证明,在OMG脱墨分散体系中加入少量金属粒子,改变体系胶体化学行为,有助于进一步去除油墨粒子,提高脱墨浆质量。
In the basis of researching chemical composition and colloid chemistry of lecithin, this paper think emulsification is a key Cause to high oil content in degumming lecithin, there from, explain or point out Some methods of solving high oil content in degumming lecithin. 本文在研究分析水化油脚化学成份及胶体化学的基础上,认为在水化脱胶中乳化是导致油脚含油量高的决定因素,由此,解释并指出了解决含油量高的一些措施。
Colloid absorbed to some substance has great signification for base colloid chemistry. 胶体颗粒在一定底物上的吸附对于基础胶体化学领域有着重要的意义。
Quantum size effect of nanometer particles has been discussed in this paper from the point of view of colloid and physical chemistry. 本文从胶体化学与物理化学的角度介绍了纳米颗粒的尺寸量子化效应。
The study on colloid chemistry characters of polysaccharide of Glehnia littoralis 莱阳沙参多糖胶化性能的研究
And the research of the antirust including the synthesizing of the materials and test of the performance are referring to the principle and theory of surface and colloid chemistry as well as erosion and protection of metal. 该防锈剂的设计、合成及性能测试等均牵涉到表面与胶体化学、金属腐蚀与防护等理论与技术。
Moreover, according to different experiment objects, SVE is divided into four kinds of experiments, such as thermodynamics experiment, electrochemistry experiment, chemical kinetics experiment, surface and colloid chemistry experiment. 同时根据实验研究对象的不同,将SVE细分为了热力学实验、电化学实验、化学动力学实验以及表面及胶体化学实验等四类实验。
Oligomeric surfactants make an important breakthrough in the aspect of enhancing the surface activity, open a new way for the practical application, has the commercial value extremely, for this, it has become the contact surface and the colloid chemistry research hot spot. 低聚表面活性剂是提高表面活性的一个重要突破,为实际应用开辟了新途径,极具商业价值,为此,它已成为当今界面和胶体化学研究的热点。
The reason of agglomerating and the mechanism of eliminating agglomerates in the Sol-Gel process have been studied, using the fundamental of colloid and surface chemistry. 应用胶体和表面化学的基本原理刘用Sol&Gel法制备氧化铝超细粉末过程中团聚现象产生的原因和消除机理进行了研究;
Sol-gel technique is one of venerable techniques in the neoteric colloid chemistry. 溶胶-凝胶(Sol-Gel)技术是胶体化学中一项古老的技术,是在制备玻璃、陶瓷等无机材料领域中发展、成熟起来的。
The constructions of surfactant forming molecular aggregates ( micelle, vesicle, microemulsion, liquid crystal etc.) in various media have been interesting in the field of Colloid and Interface Chemistry. 在不同介质中表面活性剂分子聚集体(胶束、囊泡、微乳液、溶致液晶等)的构建一直是胶体与界面化学领域的研究热点。
By establishing colloid chemistry base he cultivated lots of research backbone most of whom are now the leaders of different fields. 他通过创建胶体化学基地为我国培养了许多科研骨干;他们当中有许多现在已经成为不同领域的学科带头人。